Find your artistic voice through daily art practice

Explore insights and reflections on finding your unique artistic voice.

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Find your artistic voice through daily art practice

Recently, I’ve been re-reading Find Your Artistic Voice: The Essential Guide to Working Your Creative Magic by Lisa Congdon. This inspiring book, which I already have recommended some time ago here on my blog, has prompted me to reflect on the ongoing process of finding our unique voice as artists. So here are some insights and reflections on this journey.

Find Your Artistic Voice: the essential guide to working your creative magic”, a book by Lisa Congdon
“Find Your Artistic Voice: the essential guide to working your creative magic”, by Lisa Congdon.

Finding our own unique voice in art is not a destination but a continuous journey that never quite ends. It’s about evolving, exploring, and growing with each sketch or final art piece. Therefore, as we are talking about a life long process, we need to be very patient with ourselves. That is to always celebrate our progress (no matter how small it might seem), and also learn from each challenge, enjoying the act of being creative as we go.

Undoubtedly, every piece of art we create is a step forward on this path to self-discovery. We need to avoid judging ourselves harshly at all costs. Moreover, consistently showing up and doing the work, no matter what, is perhaps the most important thing we can do. Because it’ll slowly foster a healthy art routine that significantly contributes to our learning process and consequently, our creative growth. Through constant art practice, we can develop a unique way of seeing and doing things, which will ultimately lead us to a personal style of creation. In my own experience, some key takeaways I can share with you are:

Value your influences

As artists, we often wonder how to balance influence with originality. Influences are a natural part of artistic growth. Take inspiration from the masters and contemporaries you admire, but filter these through your personal lens. Over time, you’ll find that your unique style will emerge as you blend and reinterpret these influences in your work.

Experiment freely

Innovation in art comes from a profound willingness to experiment. Don’t hesitate to step outside your comfort zone. Try new techniques, mediums, or styles. Even if some experiments don’t yield the desired results, they still contribute to your growth and understanding.

These creative risks are crucial for discovering what resonates with you and developing your voice. When experimenting, remember that is precisely through failure and not through success that we learn the most. So have fun making a ton of beautiful and valuable mistakes. I’ve made my own personal discoveries that way.

Have no fear of the unknown

The infinite possibilities in art can sometimes feel overwhelming. Setting constraints can actually enhance your creativity, providing a framework within which your ideas can flow more easily. Embrace the unknown and allow yourself to explore within these boundaries. Often, the best ideas come from navigating through constraints rather than having complete freedom.

Overall, to find your artistic voice boils down to persistence in the practice of your craft and it also heavily relies in following your curiosity. Remember that your soul speaks through the things that most call your attention, so follow them and don’t be afraid to try new mediums and ways of doing things.